Research Area / Projects
Optimal Power System Operation

Power System Analysis Algorithm

Research Topic

I. Introduction

Developing algorithms that can analyze power flow, short circuits, protection, and harmonics is a critical aspect of ensuring the reliability and safety of power systems. These algorithms are designed to model and simulate the behavior of power systems under various conditions, providing valuable insights into their operation and helping to identify potential problems before they occur.
Power flow analysis algorithms can be used to calculate the flow of electrical power through the network, allowing utilities to identify potential bottlenecks and improve the efficiency of the system. Short circuit analysis algorithms can help to determine the maximum amount of fault current that a system can handle and identify potential fault locations.
Protection algorithms are designed to identify and isolate faults in the system, minimizing the risk of damage to equipment and ensuring that power is restored as quickly as possible. Harmonics analysis algorithms can help to identify and mitigate harmonic distortions in the system, which can cause voltage fluctuations and damage to sensitive equipment.
By developing algorithms that can analyze power flow, short circuits, protection, and harmonics, utilities can improve the efficiency, reliability, and safety of power systems. These algorithms can also help utilities to identify potential issues before they occur, allowing them to take proactive measures to ensure the stability of the system and prevent costly downtime.”
Topics of Optimal Power System Operation
Power flow analysis algorithm development
Power system fault analysis algorithm development
Power system protection algorithm development
Power system harmonics analysis algorithm development

II. Related Publications

Insu Kim, “A case study on the effect of storage systems on a distribution network enhanced by high-capacity photovoltaic systems,” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 12, pp. 121-131, August 2017.
IInsu Kim, “The effect of unbalanced impedance loads on the short-circuit current,” Energies, Vol. 11, No. 6, June 2018.
Insu Kim, “Short-circuit analysis models for unbalanced inverter-based distributed generation sources and loads,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 3515-3526, September 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2903552
Insu Kim, "Steady-state short-circuit current calculation for internally limited inverter based distributed generation sources connected as current sources using the sequence method," International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Vol. 29, No. 12, December, 2019.
Insu Kim, "The modeling of tap-changing transformers and P-V buses using the sensitivity impedance matrix," International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Vol. 30, No. 12, December 2020.
Insu Kim, "A calculation method for the short-circuit current contribution of current-control inverter-based distributed generation sources at balanced conditions," Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 190, January 2021.
Insu Kim, "A short-circuit analysis algorithm capable of analyzing unbalanced loads and phase shifts through transformers using the Newton-Raphson power-flow calculation, sequence, and superposition methods," International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Vol. 31, No. 4, April 2021.
Jiyeon Jang, Dohun Kim, and Insu Kim, "Singularity handling for unbalanced three-phase transformers in Newton-Raphson power flow analyses using Moore-Penrose Pseudo-inverse", IEEE Access, April 24, 2023. 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3269503